JX Ovulation Calendar
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Editing menstrual cycle settings
Selecting our goal
Viewing ovulation calendar
Printing ovulation calendar
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JX Ovulation Calendar

Printing ovulation calendar

The easiest way to print the ovulation calendar is to click the button on the main window's toolbar. You will get the same number of months printed as you had printed the last time (originally one). Month size, position on the page, legend and margin settings are also defined by the settings you used the last time. To change those settings, use the button, which will open the print-preview window:

Screenshot - Print Preview JX Ovulation Calendar - Personal Ovulation Calculator

The window has two toolbars (at the top and at the left) and a settings bar (at the right).

The button on the toolbar at the top opens the page settings window, where you can select a printer, orientation of the page, edit margins. The button simply sends current page to printer. The next three buttons - , , and - allow you to select the image color scheme: color, greyscale, and black-and-white, respectively. The next group of buttons affects calendar scale. The and buttons enlarge or reduce image size respectively. The button sets scale to 1:1, and the one sets scale to make sure the image fits the page. Also, you can select a predefined scale on the drop-down list or enter a custom scale value. When the window opens, the scale is always set to "fit to page".

Buttons on the toolbar at the left set ovulation calendar mode:

Icon Description
Edit object mode. In this mode, you can select or edit size of such objects as  legend or group of months. To select an object to be edited, simply click on it or or click over a blank area on the sheet and then "drag" the selection rectangle over the objects to be selected while holding the left mouse button down. Eight black rectangles appear around each selected object. Click on one of the rectangles and drag them while holding the mouse button down to resize the object.
Edit scale mode. In this mode, you can just click on the page area to enlarge it or hold the Ctrl key down and click on the page area to make it smaller.
View page mode. Allows dragging page by "point". Just click on any area on the page and drag it while holding the mouse button down. The preview area will move as well.

The settings bar at the right contains the following three sections:

Month settings. The "Months to print" value sets the total number of months to appear on page, while the "Months per row" - sets the number of months to appear in each "row" of the months table (cannot exceed the total number). The "Fix months" flag (enabled by default) fixes position and size of a group of months regardless to legend. If the flag is disabled, the group of months will move and occupy the maximum area available on page when the legend size is moved or edited. The "Default" button also forces the optimum position and size for a group of months on the maximum area available on page.

Month size. Contains current width and height values for each month in units you have set in the program. The values can be set and edited by user.

Legend. The checkbox in the title allows enabling or disabling the legend object on page. The "Columns" value contains the number of columns to appear in the legend table. The total number of legend items depends on the goal you have selected for your ovulation calendar. The "Default" button will force the optimum position and size for legend on page.

After you have got the desired appearance of your page, you can simply send it to printer by clicking the button on the toolbar. In any case, the program will remember current position and size for group of months and legend after you have closed the window and will use these settings for printing the next time.